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Text File
255 lines
Manual for BulletMaster
Copyright 1992 David C. Higley
BulletMaster v1.1 is being distributed as SHAREWARE! It is not FREEWARE
and is the sole property of David C. Higley. You can use BulletMaster for
a test period not to exceed 30 days to see if the software suits your needs
and is worth registering. At the end of this 30 day trial period, you must
either register BulletMaster or stop using it and remove all bulletins
generated by BulletMaster from your system.
Although I have tested this software and use it myself, I can make no
guarantees as to it's fitness or it's compatibility with your system or
software. Under no circumstances will David C. Higley accept any
responsibility for any damage to any software or hardware, whether direct
or indirect, resulting from the use of this software. USE AT YOUR OWN
The software and all documentation contained in this package are
copyrighted property of David C. Higley.
You may distribute this package on your BBS as long as there is no fee
directly related to downloading this package. This includes any transfer
fees, disk fees, copy fees and the like. It does not include those BBS's
that have a "subscription" for the entire BBS.
Now that all that funderfull stuff is over, lets get to it......
BulletMaster is a program designed to put out bulletins in as little time
as possible and with as little trouble as possible. I was constantly
putting off updating bulletins because I didn't want to load the old one
into the ANSI editor, make the changes, correct any boarder malformations,
save that, then change all the colors to the mono version, save that then
do the ASCII one as well. Sound familiar???
With BulletMaster, this tiresome and boring duty of the ever enduring SysOp
has been made VERY SIMPLE. Now, all you need is an ASCII text editor and
BulletMaster, the rest is history.
Some of the features of BulletMaster are as follows :
Will convert any ASCII text file (INCLUDING GRAPHICS!!) that has CR/LF
terminated lines (as apposed to LF/CR) into an attractive ANSI color, ANSI
mono and ASCII bulletin file
Has date and time of bulletin creation included in the bulletins header
Has BBS name in the bulletins header
Has the SysOp's name and BBS as a signature
Has 4 different types of boarders : Double line ╔ ╗
Single line ┌ ┐
Double top/
Single side ╒ ╕
Single top/
Double side ╓ ╖
Can be configured to randomize the boarders between the 4 available
SysOp definable colors for the ANSI color bulletin background, text,
highlighted and boarder
Bulletins can be generated from the command line.
To install BulletMaster, uncompress the BULLETU.EXE into your bulletin
directory. Your pretty much installed now<G>!
Configuring BulletMaster is almost as easy as installing it. A little more
typing is required, but I'm sure that you can struggle thru it.
BulletMaster gets most of it's parameters from a configuration file. This
standard text file with CR/LF terminated lines. The format of the
configuration file is as follows :
Background color (0-7)
Boarder color (0-15)
Text color (0-15)
Highlight color (0-15)
ANSI bulletin extension (must include .)
MONO bulletin extension (must include .)
ASCII bulletin extension (must include .)
Boarder type (0-4)
BBS Name
SysOp name
Scroll stop, page stop, more prompt, whatever you want to call it
The colors are entered as a number on thier own line. The colors and
numbers are as follows :
black 0
blue 1
green 2
cyan 3
red 4
magenta 5
brown 6
light gray 7
dark gray 8
light blue 9
light green 10
light cyan 11
light red 12
light magenta 13
yellow 14
white 15
The bulletin extensions are the extension of the bulletins that are
displayed for that particular graphics display. You must include the
period in front of the extension. EX. wrong - ANS right - .ANS
The boarder types are a single number entered on a line by itself. The
boarder types are as follows :
0 - random boarder generation
1 - double line
2 - single line
3 - double lines horizontally, single lines vertically
4 - single lines horizontally, double lines vertically
The BBS name is exactly what it says. It will be displayed as entered.
The SysOp's name is also exactly what it says and will be displayed as
The More Prompt is the character or set of characters that your system uses
to put up a More prompt when the end of the bulletin has been reached and
you are in the middle of a page. This will prevent the bulletin from
clearing to soon if that is a problem.
All of these lines MUST BE FILLED IN. If not, an error will occur.
RUNNING BulletMaster
Running BulletMaster is fairly simple. The way I run it is as follows.
Place the BULLET.EXE and the BULLET.CFG in your bulletin directory. While
in the bulletin directory, invoke your favorite text editor and type in the
bulletin as you wish it to be displayed.
IMPORTANT!!!! Format the text file so that the right margin is no more
than 74, I use 72 and it works fine..
Once you have the text file worded right and spell checked, save it as the
name of the bulletin you are going to generate, but leave off the
extension. If I am going to generate BULLET1.XXX, I make the text file
BULLET1. Once you are happy with the text file, run BULLET.
When BulletMaster comes up, it will ask you for the name of the text file
that you want to make into a bulletin. Type in that name (exactly as it is
named on disk). Then it will ask for the bullet name that you wish to
create. Type that in (just the filename, NO EXTENSION). Then it will ask
if you wish to place a "pause" at the end of the bulletin. This is for
those bulletins that are longer than one page and you want the more prompt,
or whatever, to display at the end. Just answer that "Y" or "N" for yes or
no. Next it will ask you if the information given is correct. If it is
correct, answer "Y", if not, "N". If it is correct and you answer "Y",
then it will check for the text file. If it is not present, it terminates.
If it is present, it checks for the bulletins that you want to generate.
If they are present, it will ask you if you want to overwrite them. If
"Y", it will continue and make the bulletins, if "N", it will terminate.
That's pretty much it. You now have the original text file and 3 new
bulletins. Keep the text files, they make changing the bulletins allot
easier. For example, if you have a subscription fee or membership bulletin
and the fee changes. It is allot easier to load up the text file into your
text editor and change it there, then rerun BulletMaster than to start it
Registering BulletMaster has the following advantages :
The 5 second delay and the press key to continue goes away
The UNREGISTERED at the bottom of all the bulletins goes away
Your BBS name will appear on the opening screen instead of the UNREGISTERED
Permanent registration to The Next Generation BBS
The satisfaction of knowing that you did the right thing
A trip to McDonald's named after you!
To register BulletMaster, fill out the registration form contained in the
package and send it, along with a check or money order for $5.00US, to :
David C. Higley
509 West 41st Street
Ashtabula, Ohio 44004
When I receive your registration form and fee, I will create a user account
for you on The Next Generation BBS. When the check clears, I will leave a
message to you telling you how to download your registered copy of
If you wish me to mail your copy, please include $5.00US additional for the
disk, shipping and handling.
The BulletMaster distribution package contains the following files :
BULLETU .EXE - The BulletMaster executable
BULLET .CFG - The configuration file I used for the example bulletin
BLTMSTR .DOC - Your reading it
BULLETIN.ANS - Example ANSI color bulletin
BULLETIN.ANC - Example ANSI mono bulletin
BULLETIN. - Example text file for example bulletins
BULLETIN.ASC - Example ASCII bulletin
REGISTER.FRM - Registration form
PRODUCT .LST - Software available from David C. Higley
HISTORY .DOC - Things that are new and improved since last version
REDO .BAT - Example batch file to make generating mass bulletins
These are the ONLY authorized files. NO ADVERTISEMENTS ARE AUTHORIZED TO
BE DISTRIBUTED WITH THIS PACKAGE. I did the work for this and I don't want
others adding there names to MY WORK!!
If you have any complains, suggestions or comments or need to reach me for
anything, I may be reached by the following :
The Next Generation BBS (Support Board)
Programmers or Shareware Forums.
Intelec Network
Programmers, Turbo Pascal or Shareware Conferences.
Leave Messages addressed to David Higley. I will reply as soon as possible
to any messages recieved.